2019 Strongtown open - battle of the sexes

The 2019 CrossFit Open kicks off at 8:00pm EST on Thursday the 22nd (yes that's coming up quick)! For those who have been with us for a year or more you are probably very aware of what the Open is. In a nut shell the Open is an online competition that the global CrossFit community participates in each year.

For some people the Open is a step towards qualifying for the CrossFit Games.

We like to have fun with things so the past few years we’ve run a ‘Strongtown Intramural Open’ where we turn the Open into an in-gym event that is scored based on overall team participation in the workouts.

The workouts themselves are no different than anything else we do during a normal week...the only difference is a bit more accountability on movement standards…which is never a bad thing.

You don’t need to have years of experience to participate and it doesn’t matter if you’re not quite on your ‘A’ game.

Look at it as committing to 5 workouts over 5 weeks.

The primary difference is that during the Open everyone gets a Judge to count their reps and we also like to encourage people reverse rolls and get a bit of experience Judging as well.

Last year we ran our Intramural Open with a ‘Battle of the Sexes’ theme which was a ton of fun. I’m excited to say it will be returning…for the record our Ladies are the defending champions.

Each week we will be doing a ‘Friday Night Lights’ event which will be prime time for the week’s workout, we’ll be starting heats at 5:30pm and running them on a first come first serve basis.

After the workout there will be a small social gathering - we have Kettlebell Kitchen lined up for Week 3 (I believe) and there has even been talk about a post workout field trip to Black Hog.

Since we will be running heats, judging workouts, and tracking team scores we are requiring that people sign-up to participate. As a new addition to this year we’re offering two options for registering:

How to Sign-up

  1. Sign-up through games.crossfit.com and join CrossFitStrongtown...this is $20 and you’ll have access to the games site, be able to see yourself on the worldwide leader boards, and we’ll place you on one of our in-gym teams for the Battle of the Sexes.

  2. Sign-up through PushPress...this is $10, you will not have access to the games site and will not be able to see your worldwide rankings, however you will still be placed on one of our in-gym teams for the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ and be able to do all the workouts and contribute towards the team scores.

How to get points

During the course of the Open each team will be scored based on the following system:

  • 1 Point for every person who completes the workout (division / rx / scaled does not matter)

  • 1 Point for every person who logs their score through either games.crossfit.com or SugarWOD

  • 1 Points for judging a workout (3 point max per week).

  • 1 Point for participating in Weekly Theme challenges (scroll down for additional information)

The purpose of this challenge is to have fun as a gym - it's about participation and I truly believe that whether you're a Veteran Athlete or just starting to learn the ropes that you can do the Open. 

how to get even more points - recruitment

Since the Strongtown Open is about participation Teams are allowed to recruit additional members to join in on the fun and complete the workouts.

Any late additions to teams are required to pay the $10 in-house registration fee.


Class Schedule / Times to do the Open Workout

  • Thursday Night Announcement: Immediately after the announcement

  • Friday Night Lights: 5:30 Classes will be canceled, we will be running workout heats starting at 5:30, this will be our prime time for the Open Workouts and be followed by a brief social hour afterwards.

  • Saturday: 9:00am will be a Regular Class, 10:00am will be the Open Workout

  • Sunday: 11:00am (Open gym will be canceled during this time)


  • 19.1: 2/21 - 2/25

  • 19.2: 2/28 - 3/4

  • 19.3: 3/7 - 3/11

  • 19.4: 3/14 - 3/18

  • 19.5: 3/21 - 3/25

week 1 theme - freebie

  • Everyone gets a Week 1 theme point

week 2 theme - usa

  • Let’s see your red, white & blue….wear something patriotic to get +1 for your team

week 3 theme - socks

  • Yep…high socks, fun socks, work socks wear something fun and earn an extra point for the week

week 4 theme - go green / st. patrick’s day

  • Everyone is Irish this week - start St. Patrick’s Day early and wear something green for the workout to get the bonus point

week 5 theme - strongtown

  • The Saturday of 19.5 we will be doing a post workout field trip to Black Hog brewing, wear your Strongtown gear for the workout to get +1 and if you also wear some CFS swag to Black Hog you can earn an additional +1 for the final week.

What to Expect:


  • Schedule – throughout the 5 weeks of the Open our Friday evening (5:30pm) and Saturday (10:00am) classes will be reserved for people participating in the Open. We’re very sorry to anyone who’s schedule this screws up…we do this to be fair to those we signed up to particpate.

  • Workouts – there is really no difference between the workouts we do during throughout the year and the workouts of the Open. The biggest difference is that Mikey and I program our regular workouts and Dave Castro / CrossFit HQ program the five Open workouts. At the end of the day it’s still the same pool of movements that they’re programming from…you can expect to see burpees, box jumps, pull-ups, power cleans, snatching, wall-ball, deadlifts, push-ups, toes to bar, thrusters etc…

  • Judging – this is probably the biggest differentiating factor of the Open. Since the Open is essentially an online competition, making sure movement standards are maintained and upheld is paramount to the success of the event. It’s safe to say you can expect a bit of extra instruction on specific movement and judging standards. Each person participating will also have the opportunity to get their feet wet with Judging as well as have all of their workouts Judged & Validated…so exciting.

  • Workout Heats – since everyone gets to have their workout judged we will be running multiple heats for the workouts within each class. Heats will be set on a first come, first serve basis and will limited by the number of Judges. If we have a 20 person class we can run 2 heats of 10, or 3 heats at 7/7/6 ..we can not do a heat of 15 or 20. As we saw last year with the overhead walking barbell lunges some of this is also limited by the workout. What this means is - please show up on time.

  • Entering Scores (for those registered with the CrossFit Games) – completing the workout is doing 50% of the work, the other 50% comes down to entering your score (those percentages might be slightly off). After completing the workout both you and your Judge will sign the scoresheet acknowledging your score. The gym gets one copy and each person gets a small slip of paper with their score as a reminder. From there you will have to login to games.crossfit.com in order to submit your score...which we will then verify and validate.

  • Scaling / Modifying Workouts – just like any other workout we do, it is completely acceptable to scale and modify the workouts. At the end of the day we want people to get in a good workout and have a little fun. What we will talk about is how the score gets entered on the games site. Depending on how the workout was scaled or modified it may be entered on the games site based on how much of the standards were completed. We’ll talk about this more with each person modifying the workout throughout the five weeks. The point is that scaling and modifying workouts is an option. Now I will say that if there was ever a time to try and push to go Rx on a workout...this would be it.

  • Support / Encouragement – this is by far one of the best parts of the Open. It’s an amazing environment. We’ve seen people get their first double-unders, first chest to bar pull-ups, toes to bar and muscle-ups, we’ve had people set PR’s on lifts and then continue with it for multiple reps. There is something about the Open that creates an environment that exudes positivity and encouragement. It’s helps give us that extra push we can all use.