We have our Lingo

Common Terms

  • Cap: Refers to the length of time allotted to a workout, ie. “Today’s workout has an 8 minute cap”.

  • Box: Slang term that our community uses when referring to the gym, ie. "I'm heading down to the box".

  • Chipper: A chipper is a workout in which you complete the repetitions stated of each exercise before moving onto the next. It is usually a longer workout.

  • Couplet: A workout with 2 movements.

  • Mod, Scale, Scaling: The ability to modify a workout to meet the ability of the athlete. All of our workouts are scalable. Workouts can be scaled up in order to make them harder, or scaled down in order to make them easier.

  • Rep: A single repetition of an exercise, ie. "perform 5 reps".

  • Set: A total number of reps for the exercise, ie. "perform 5 sets of 10 pull- ups".

  • Triplet: A workout with 3 movements.

Common Acronyms

  • AHAP: As Heavy as Possible

  • AMRAP: As Many Reps as Possible

  • BB: Barbell

  • BW: Body Weight

  • DB: Dumbbell

  • FGB: Fight Gone Bad - also refers to a ‘station rotation’ style workout

  • HSPU: Handstand Push-up

  • KG: Kilograms (1 kg = 2.2 lbs)

  • MetCon: Metabolic Conditioning Workout

  • PR: Personal Record

  • KB: Kettlebell

  • SDHP: Sumo Deadlift High Pull

  • Rx'd: A workout performed without any modifications or as prescribed.

  • RM: Rep Max, i.e. your 3RM is the maximum weight that you can lift for three reps

  • ROM: Range of Motion

  • WB: Wall Ball

  • WOD: Workout of The Day

  • EMOM: Every Minute on The Minute perform a task