The Elephant in the Gym - Billing

As we continue to progress through these times of uncertainty, I wanted to take a moment to address the metaphorical elephant in the room, or in our case, the gym.

Account billing…

First off – I completely apologize for not addressing this item sooner. We realize that the current situation is impacting millions around the country. People are being let go, businesses are being forced to shut down, and some are dealing with loved ones who are potentially sick.

Understandably, we have had numerous questions about whether we’ll be freezing everyone’s account during this time.

Our response (on a very honest level) is that I wish we could and that we have only done it for those who requested we do so.

We have always tried to be fair with people and provide a level of customer service that I wish was more commonplace in businesses. Since opening Strongtown this is by far the biggest challenge we have encountered.

We understand people are out of work and if you need to - we will downgrade / freeze / cancel your account with no questions asked. You can find the Hold Request, and Cancellation Request links on our ‘Contact Us’ page.

However, if you are fortunate enough to be in a position where you can keep your membership active, I promise you it is both appreciated and needed now more than ever.

If you want to borrow equipment - a kettlebell, a dumbbell, or some other equipment – let us know and we’ll do what we can. If you need Muscle-up Bars, Protein Powder, or O2’s… we’ll put together a care pack and drop-it off. We’ll do whatever we can…

We’re currently offering a separate workout track geared towards ‘at-home’ workouts and we will be testing out our first online class this Thursday at 12:00pm.

We’re in this together – and if there is anything we can do to help you stay active during this time, please let us know.

We’re here for you and we’re incredibly grateful to have you there for us.