Saturday - 5/28/16

With a rare Saturday post I wanted to take a minute to talk about the old blog. Unfortunately migrating almost 5 years worth of daily blog posts was a bit more of an undertaking then I had originally anticipated. In the end it was easier to start from scratch and in order to make the transition to the new platform we performed an Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom style hosting switch.

Everything that was the old blog is still alive and well. The new site took over and our former site now lives at and is now up and running for anyone (outside of myself) looking to browse the archives. 

We're still working out a few layout tweaks with the new site and for now we've added a thumbnail widget to the Blog & WOD Section.

Workout of the Day

For Time (25 minute cap)

  • 800m Run
  • 80 Double Unders
  • 8 Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)
  • 600m Run
  • 60 Double Unders
  • 6 Power Clean (155/105 lbs)
  • 400m Run
  • 40 Double Unders
  • 4 Power Cleans

Sharon going with the back rack option on her barbell lunges.

The noon class starting their 2 minutes of overhead walking lunges.

Lu going taking her lunges outside and working the overhead position.

