August 2022 - Member Milestones — Strongtown


August 2022 - Member Milestones

We’ve updated the total check-ins based on July’s attendance. There was an issue with the way PushPress counted … #math

Apparently it wasn’t recognizing Open Gym check-ins, for some people this didn’t make a difference and for others it was a pretty considerable jump.

I’m being told that the report as it’s being tallied now is accurate and it’s what this month’s milestones are based off.

For anyone that was with us pre-PushPress (prior to 2018) you will have a “+” next to your number since your true tally is actually much higher.

The Milestones we will be highlighting are:


  • 100 - CENTURY CLUB

  • 250 - FORGED

  • 500 - ICONS

  • 1,000 - LEGENDS

As of August 1, 2022 these are the current tallies:

COMMITTED CLUB (50 Check-ins)

Knapp - 94
Deb - 79
Melanie - 76
Marcia - 73
Kate S. - 72
Steve - 71
Josh - 67
Matthew - 62
Mike R. - 58
Chris R. - 53
Connie - 52
Katelyn - 51
Malu - 51
Ethan - 50

CENTURY CLUB (100 Check-ins)

Janice - 211
Maddie - 201
Nick A. - 189
Courtney - 187+
Donnie - 187+
John - 179
Sophia - 179+
Lexi - 174
Kate - 155
Will - 154
Brendan - 140
Joe - 137
Brian S. - 131
Charles - 131
Jane - 131
Matt - 129
Tiff - 126
Hunter - 118
Drew - 116
Stacey - 110
Kevin - 109
Sara - 108+

FORGED (250 Check-ins)

Boroski - 478+
Danielle - 477+
Liam - 453+
Kristie - 452+
Bill - 436+
Syd - 406+
Ang - 393+
Dan OC - 390
Tots - 386+
Maggie - 380
Susie - 374+
Stacy - 336+
Missy - 298+
Lou - 286+
Tom - 285+
Brian T. - 283
Pat - 280+
Kathleen - 269+
Rich - 267+
Mary Beth - 250

ICONS (500 Check-ins)

Shady - 972+
Murray - 945+
Caitlin - 944+
Kelly - 866+
Mikey - 851+
Carl - 847+
Paul - 820+
Rachel - 817+
Ryan - 816+
Kat - 804+
Maeve - 801+
Nick - 784
Garrett - 752+
Barry - 751+
Toon - 749+
Rachie - 741+
Big Mike - 723+
Paula - 719+
Dan - 706+
Frankie - 695
Anna - 690
Scott - 656+
Becky - 644+
Funk - 629+
Pete - 627+
GereLu - 577+
Rosemary - 574+
Dani - 557+
Marjorie - 546
Jimmy - 544+

LEGENDS (1,000 Check-ins)

Justin - 1,056+
Heidi - 1,042+
