COVID-19: What we’re doing + What you can do

In light of the current events & concerns with COVID-19 happening around the country, we wanted to take a moment to share some of the precautions we are taking as well as a few friendly reminders of what you can do.

At Strongtown we pride ourselves on ensuring that cleanliness of our facility is held to a high standard.

We are a family-oriented community and our primary concern is providing a safe and healthy environment for fitness.

Here's what we’re doing:

  • As a general note - we switched from mopping to an industrial-grade floor cleaner about 18 months ago. The cleaner separates the ‘clean’ from the ‘dirty’ water so that all areas are cleaned equally and dirty water doesn’t get spread around the gym.

  • We’ve increased the frequency that the cleaner gets run up to 4x a week.

  • Sanitary wipes are always available for cleaning equipment after use and we’ll be adding additional cleanings as a preventative measure.

  • Door handles and high traffic, high touch areas will be sprayed / wiped down daily with a disinfectant spray.

  • Hand sanitizer (aka liquid gold) is available around the gym.

To support our efforts, here are some common-sense practices we ask from you.

  • If not already vaccinated consider getting your flu shot.

  • Please use paper towels, wipes, or tissues to cover mouth when coughing or sneezing.

  • We have some of the best smelling soap in the state - wash your hands before and after each workout.

  • Thoroughly wipe down equipment after use.

  • If you sweat excessively - please make an effort to clean up after yourself.

  • Stay home if you're feeling sick or if you not sure…this is not the time to ‘sweat it out’

    • As a general reference, we have a list of Travel Workouts that can be done with minimal equipment.

  • If you need to put your account on hold for any period of time please submit a Membership Hold Request.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.

We will keep you informed of any important updates regarding this matter.