COVID-19: This Week's Updates (3/16/20)

As the current situation continues to unfold around the country we feel it is important to be as transparent as possible about how we’re adapting at Strongtown. 

This is a dynamic situation and I want to start off by talking about some of the positives. I’m a big advocate of stoic philosophy and if there is any silver lining in this situation it’s that crisis breeds innovation and adaptation....neither one of those are bad.

First off - it’s important to note that working out in general and being active has a tremendous benefit on strengthening our immune system. We like to look at fitness as part of a spectrum...on one end we have Fitness, on the other end we have Sickness, and in the middle we’re looking at Wellness.

By belonging to Strongtown you’re part of a group of people who prioritize Health & Fitness, and who are regularly doing what they can to improve their margins on the ‘Fitness’ end of the Spectrum.

Another positive is that we are not like your traditional commercial gym - we are much smaller and see a fraction of the foot traffic compared to larger gyms. The average Planet Fitness has 7,000 Strongtown we’re looking at 130-150 members. 

Also, at Strongtown - we are incredibly lucky to have a community of people who care about the gym and put the extra effort into washing their hands, wiping down equipment, and helping clean up after themselves. The average commercial gym does not have that culture. 

We completely understand that during this time social distancing is important to minimizing risk and we recognize that not everyone is comfortable being in a group setting. We have always said that Strongtown is more than just a gym, it’s more than just workouts and times on a whiteboard. For many people the time they spend working out is as much about mental health as it is about physical health.

With this in mind, there are going to be some changes happening around the gym

  • When you walk into the gym - wash your hands.

  • EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: Everyone must use the “PUSHPRESS MEMBER PORTAL APP” to reserve their classes….checking in through the Kindles / iPads at the gym will not be allowed. We have never capped classes - we are incredibly lucky to have a 6,000sf facility and have always had an open-door approach that if you can make the class, just show up. With Schools being out and people working from home we want to monitor and manage the groups of people using the gym at a given time. Using the App to reserve your classes will allow you to see what classes / times are busier at the gym...there are some days where we have 2 people at 8:00am, and 20 people at 9:30am. 

  • STARTING MONDAY: Anyone who maintains an active Monthly Membership or Punch-Pass has access to the STRONGTOWN GENERAL. These will be workouts that you can do at home or on the road with minimal equipment. The programming will be designed around having access to a Kettlebell, and an AbMat. Just because you can’t get into the gym doesn’t mean you have to let your fitness suffer. You can either buy your own equipment or we are offering a couple package options if you prefer to buy it through us. We are trying to adapt as quickly as possible and will be releasing regular demo videos and content around the workouts...for this initial week, we will just be posting the workouts to get the ball rolling. These workouts will be setup in SugarWOD as a separate ‘Track’ and we will also be creating a separate Facebook Group for people to share their scores and interact. This will also be available to anyone who doesn't currently belong to Strongtown for $30/month. 

  • After you’ve been in the gym for a bit…. wash your hands.

  • Kids & the Lounge - at this time we are not restricting kids or anyone else from being in the gym. However, we are asking that to the extent possible if you do not absolutely need to bring your kids with you, then please do not. Unfortunately, at this time we are trying to keep the gym as clean as possible and our top priority is cleaning and disinfecting the equipment and the workout area throughout the day. 

  • If it doesn’t need to be with you inside the gym - don’t bring it. Hospitals are requiring Doctors & Nurses to leave all cell phones and personal belongings in their lockers. I know it seems a bit ridiculous but please think twice about what you're bringing into the gym. If you’re not on call, or expecting a phone call...leave your phone in your car glove-box for the hour. It’s one less ‘outside’ object in the gym and helps us keep all the surfaces clean and clear.

  • Jump Ropes, Lifting Shoes, and Wraps - if you have a jump rope at the gym, lifting shoes in a cubby, or wrist wraps that you’re storing here….consider leaving them in your car or gym bag at this time.

  • Partner / Team Sunday Workouts - will be postponed until things calm down. While these days have been a staple of the Strongtown programming they will be temporarily put on hold. In the meantime, Sundays will be an Individual / Solo workout for the time being.

  • Remember a Lift will be rescheduled to a future date - anyone who purchased a ticket will be refunded. We are sorry to say that at this time we are going to be postponing ‘Remember a Lift’ until a future date. We will keep everyone up to date on when this will be rescheduled. 

  • Did I mention - wash your hands.

  • Finally - if you are feeling at all sick - or if you have been exposed to anyone who is sick - please let us know and always err towards the side of caution. 

Thank you all for your help and consideration during these times.