The Doors are Closing but Strongtown is Not

Due to circumstances that are beyond our control, beginning March 17th we will temporarily be shutting down our facility for the next couple of weeks.

This is both a precautionary measure and to comply with state regulations. This is not an easy decision for us to make and it is with everyone’s best interest in mind that we feel it is necessary.

While our physical facility might be shut down - we are not.

We have always said that Strongtown is more than just a gym and this is going to test that.

One of the core values that we embrace is that we do what we can…with what we can.

Before we had boxes … we used an old wooden bench. Before we had rings … we heated up PVC pipes and shaped them around paint cans. Before we had double-unders … we did single-unders, and before we had barbells … we had an old broomstick.

Modifying and adapting is what we do best.

Workouts will still be posted - the gym will continue to be cleaned - pictures will still be shared on social media - and the merits of pineapple pizza will continue to be debated on Facebook.

Our plan is to keep doing what we do and shift our focus towards providing a workout experience that doesn’t require you drive to 1432 Old Waterbury Road in Southbury.

I know, I love that place too and promise we’ll be back there soon.

We’re approaching this from multiple angles, first, we are creating our Strongtown General workout track. These are workouts that you can do at home or on the road with, at most you’ll need a kettlebell and an AbMat is recommended. These workouts will be available in SugarWOD under the ‘Strongtown General’ workout track.

The next thing we’ll be doing is arranging regular meet-ups & park workouts. These will be run similar to a class…but you’ll be responsible for bringing your own equipment (kettlebell) if it’s needed. We’ll be sharing more info about the first meet-up shortly.

We realize that working out is as much about mental health as it is physical health … and in light of the current situation we want to do everything we can to help ensure that Strongtown continues to be a regular part your lives.

We apologize for the inconvenience, this is not something we ever anticipated having to do, and we thank you all for your continued support.