Exactly What CrossFit is For

So it is Tuesday...I think. So far, I have grown accustomed to day pajamas and online teaching, developed an unhealthy relationship with Lysol, and am grateful for every morning I wake up and learn that none of my loved ones are sick. 

My reality is not everyone's reality right now. Many of you are managing both full time work at home and full time homeschool with your kids. Others of you are working longer hours than you were before, with daily changing directives and insufficient supplies. I want to thank, commend, and encourage every one of you for getting through whatever your reality looks like today. 

In one way or another, we have arrived: the fear, discomfort, tedium, or exhaustion we may be experiencing is exactly what we have been training for up until now. We have trained our bodies to be healthy and our minds to be strong. Every day we have shown up to the gym we’ve practiced adaptability, mental toughness, and resilience to use in moments just like these. All the hard work your past self has put in proves valuable right now.

Our fears and responsibilities may be big or small right now depending on our life circumstances, but what we all share are the hours of logged practice keeping our bodies healthy, and the community of support we have built for each other. Stay in but reach out, work hard but be kind to yourselves these days. And as we always say, move through each day just one rep at a time.