Monday - 4/17/17


5 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute

  • Power Snatch (95/65 lbs)
  • 30 Seconds Rest
  • Hand Release Push-ups
  • 30 Seconds Rest
  • Row (Calories)
  • 30 Seconds Rest
    • Score = Total Reps
Joe did not let the ball touch the ground for 150 reps.

Joe did not let the ball touch the ground for 150 reps.

Dani looking strong on her front squats after Karen.

Dani looking strong on her front squats after Karen.

Friday's 4pm class during waiting for the 10 second count down.

Friday's 4pm class during waiting for the 10 second count down.

Saturday's 9am class starting their 24 Minute AMRAP

Saturday's 9am class starting their 24 Minute AMRAP

Ian, Scott, and Dan during one of many 200m runs done on Saturday.

Ian, Scott, and Dan during one of many 200m runs done on Saturday.

Deb looking strong on her deadlifts.

Deb looking strong on her deadlifts.

Barry enjoying a little double unders and sun.

Barry enjoying a little double unders and sun.

Holly and Cort working through their kettlebell swings during Sunday's Suck Fest.

Holly and Cort working through their kettlebell swings during Sunday's Suck Fest.

Sunday's class heading out for their 400m run.

Sunday's class heading out for their 400m run.





