Thank you!

We don't need to reiterate (though I will) the unprecedented nature of these times. I can say with confidence that none of us were around for the 1918 pandemic (if so, do tell). The sweeping changes we were required to make in our lives came almost overnight, along with a giant wave of uncertainty, frustration, and fear. These are not small things. 

Despite these changes, we are infinitely fortunate and grateful to have a community that has helped us weather the storm. We do not know what the future will bring, but we do know that because of you, we are able to open our doors again on June 17th. Because of you, we have been able to keep our business and our community alive. Because of you, we are happier, healthier, and stronger than before.

What I am trying to say to the Strongtown community is thank you. Thank you for not only your support during this closure but also for your encouragement. Your support and encouragement has taken so many forms: friendly faces in Zoom classes, workout posts with the #holdstrong hashtag, friendly words of encouragement to other members in their at-home workouts, your kind and supportive personal messages to us, your continued monthly payments, your care for our equipment, your drop-bys and purchases of things like O2 and beef jerky and our covid shirts and masks, your donations, your friendly banter on the Strongtown Plus text messages, your smiling faces in every Friday Beer WOD, the creation of your own home workouts and willingness to share them with other members, and the list goes on. Every gesture, both large and small, has contributed to our success, our viability, and our happiness during a very difficult time. 

The gym will be clean, open, and waiting for you. We cannot wait to see your faces, to feel those barbells slam, and to hear our very first 3, 2, 1 go. Thank you to our Strongtown community! We love you!