Wednesday - 6/8/16

Workout of the Day

Weighted Pull-ups

  • 5 x 4
  • 5 Sets, 4 Reps - Same Weight

As Many Reps As Possible - With a Running Clock

  • 0-4 Minutes: Max Calorie Row
  • 4-7 Minutes: Max Sit-ups
  • 7-9 Minutes: Max Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (45/30 lbs)
  • 9-10 Minutes: Max Burpees
    • Rx1 = 30/20 lbs
    • Rx3 = 60/40 lbs


The 6am class starting their Wall Ball.

Kristin looking strong on her power clean!

Courtney climbing her way up to the beam.

Coach Mikey showing a great power position in his catch.

