Always Improving - April's Changes

this is a long one…cliff notes are available at the bottom

Looking forward to April, we want to bring everyone up to speed with some changes that are happening around Strongtown. 

As I’m sure everyone is painfully aware, we have not been able to run classes out of our facility for the past couple of weeks. To say this has been an adjustment is a bit of understatement. We’ve essentially had to transition from a gym to a media studio overnight. Fortunately, I was a nerd long before I was a CrossFitter so deep down this is all stuff I love.

This whole experience has given us an opportunity to focus on things that have been on the “to do” list for some time now. Providing more video content is something that we have wanted to do for years, and now we have the opportunity. We’ve been working hard and getting videos out on (almost) a daily basis.

It has also given us a chance to really focus on what Strongtown actually offers and means...which can be very easy to sometimes lose sight of in the daily hustle.

Amazing facility aside, we believe that at the end of the day your experience with us comes down to three essential things: workouts, community, and coaching.

In the scramble to adjust, we have been maintaining two of those three experiences: workouts, and to the extent possible (thank god for Zoom), community. I’m normally not such an advocate of Facebook, but the Strongtown group and Barry’s new haircut have hopefully made us all feel less alone. 

So onto the third item: coaching. This is what we will be stepping up going into April. 

If we look at the experience of a typical class, we post the workout, then review general scaling options, modifications, and ways to best approach the workout. Next, the coach walks around class to check in with each person and make sure that they are doing a version of the workout that is appropriate for them; sometimes we might ask you to go a bit lighter, a bit heavier, alter the rep scheme, or modify a movement due to injury. 

This personalized delivery of the workout is a key part of the Strongtown experience and is something we realize we are currently missing.

Our solution to this will be called “Strongtown Plus” - an online / remote coaching program that we will be able to offer to anyone regardless of their location or access to equipment. 

So what does that actually mean and what can you expect? 

Once you’re enrolled in the Strongtown Plus program, you can expect to receive a personalized message from myself, Mikey, or one of our coaches, with a personalized delivery of the daily workout. This message will be specific to you. Each week you will also have access to a Coach for an Athletic Development Meeting, during this time you discuss:

  • workout customizations 

  • additional weekly accessory work

  • additional lifting programs

  • mindset coaching

  • endurance programs

  • etc..

This is a service that will be somewhere in between personal training and the group fitness model that we have always run. For the time being, everyone will be upgraded to this service as a thank you for maintaining your membership during this time. Once we are able to open and return to “normal” you’ll have an option to continue with Strongtown Plus (either training in the gym or remotely) or return back to your previous membership.

Next steps and what you can expect: keep an eye out for an email and a text message asking you to complete an initial onboarding form. Please complete this form the best you can as it is what we’ll be using to understand your workout schedule, access to equipment, and a bit about your current routine. 

We are very excited to be able to offer this to everyone, we hope it will be a welcome addition to the at-home workout routine. 

TL:DR (To Lazy / Don’t Read)

  • Strongtown will now offer an online / remote coaching program called “Strongtown Plus”.

  • This will be a personalized delivery of the daily workout sent to you by one of us.

  • This will be a version of the daily workout that we would tell you to do if we were able to be there with you.

  • Anyone who maintains their membership during this time will be upgraded to this program at no extra cost for this time when we’re not able to use our facility. 

  • Keep an eye out for an initial text message & email with an on-boarding form to fill out