Battle for the Bell VI: Thanks

This past weekend we opened our doors to the local CrossFit community for our 6th Annual Battle for the Bell competition. With sunny skies and 70+ degree temperatures we could not have asked for a more perfect day to host the event. It was great to see so many familiar faces and also make a few new friends.

Overall we saw 128 athletes compete across 4 heats in a minimum of 4 workouts throughout the day...this is no small task and there were a ton of moving parts. Keeping everything moving throughout the day was our amazing team of Judges & Volunteers...resetting events between heats, swapping equipment after workouts and helping to rebuild the gym after the day was done.

I speak from experience when I say that Judging is possibly the most difficult job of the event. These are people who gave up their free time on a Saturday (some on Friday evening as well) to help make sure things ran smoothly. It is not easy and unfortunately at times it can be thankless position where if anything goes wrong they tend to bear brunt of things.

To all of our Judges and Volunteers - I am incredibly grateful for your help...thank you! Without your help the event would not be what it is.

Thank you to all the gyms and athletes that participated...everyone from Bell City CrossFit, Branford CrossFit, CrossFit 203, CrossFit Halo, CrossFit Hook’d, CrossFit Reload, CrossFit Override, CrossFit Plattsburgh, CrossFit Strongtown (my people!), CrossFit True Athletics, Kong CrossFit Shelton, and Trinity CrossFit. It was great seeing a few new additions to the list this year and I hope you all enjoyed the day.

We want to thank DJ Arian for keeping everyone moving all day and the photographers - Everyday Lifters and @oohoomoos365 for making everyone look good. I know their event (editing & reviewing) starts after the day is done...they both got a ton of photos and as soon as we have links for them we'll be forwarding the info to the teams. 

We also want to thank you to all of our event sponsors! Their support helped to make this year’s event possible.

Our Big Bell division was sponsored and supported by:

This year’s Little Bell was sponsored and supported by:

Finally our warm-up area was sponsored and supported by:

I would also like to apologize to any teams, volunteers, and spectators that did not get food at the end of the event. If you were part of the group left in line at the end of the day I am very sorry...please let me know ( and I'll do what I can to make things right.

2017 Little Bell results

2017 Big Bell results


5 Rounds - 1 Minute at Each Station for Max Reps

  • Row (Calories)
  • Bike (Calories)
  • Double Unders
    • Rest 30 Seconds after each movement, including Rest Station (2 minutes rest total at end of round)
Lou starting to come up out of his front squat.

Lou starting to come up out of his front squat.

Courtney warming up for her 5 rep max front squat.

Courtney warming up for her 5 rep max front squat.

The 5pm class during 8 minutes of max wall-ball.

The 5pm class during 8 minutes of max wall-ball.

