Best goggles for Swimming Workouts

We’re a couple weeks away from the start of our Summer Swim WOD.

You can hear Mikey and myself talking about it on our latest podcast - Ep 081: Murph…Swim WOD and the Strongtown Summer.

During the podcast one of the things we discuss is how you don’t need much equipment for our swim workouts but the one thing that you do need (outside of a swimsuit) is a pair of decent goggles. Especially if you’re just starting out or trying to get more efficient in the water, being able to be comfortable with you head down and your eyes open makes a world of a difference.

It prevents your eyes from getting burnt by the chlorine, it allows you to focus on your breathing and strokes and there’s a reason you don’t see people swimming triathlons or competitively without them.

The goggles that I personally use and recommend to anyone looking for a pair are the Speedo Vanquisher 2.0 goggles. They were originally recommended to me by an individual who swam through their college career and has since gotten into triathlons.

Overall they’re a fairly modest design, they fit well, they keep the water out and they’re easy to adjust…there’s not much more you need.