Enter the Mask

A little perspective on the mask thing.

As of this past Friday - from Monday, November 23rd, to Tuesday, January 19th, the state of CT is mandating that everyone must wear a mask at all times in all gyms & fitness studios with no exceptions. This includes Strongtown.

First things first, we want to thank each and every one of you for your help so far in practicing social distancing and keeping the gym clean. We are still open because you all have been so conscientious and diligent. 

Do any of us want to work out in a mask? No.

Is it going to suck? Yep - it definitely is. 

But a little perspective: there have been far greater challenges that many of us have already encountered and overcome this year. This isn't something any of us can't handle; it is just a temporary inconvenience. And who can handle discomfort better than those who CrossFit?

When you think about it, isn’t this news truly in the spirit of CrossFit? What we do in the gym is meant to provide us with a level of fitness that prepares us for the unknown and unknowable.

We work hard…we do what we can…and because of that we become stronger, both physically and personally.

If wearing a mask is what it takes for Strongtown to stay open - then sign me up.

I will say though…an unanticipated challenge that surprises us at the last minute? Kinda sounds a lot like that Dave Castro fellow to me.