Strongtown's Reopening

Dear Strongtown Community, 

After what feels like an eternal hiatus from business-as-usual, we are back! We are just as eager as you are to open our doors and get back to our regular routine. Despite our eagerness, there will be some modifications to what business-as-usual will initially look like. With limited guidelines from the state, we are doing our best to make sure we can open our doors and offer you the best experience possible while prioritizing your health, safety, and other concerns. 

Please be patient with us. We are doing our best to make sure we can offer you a safe and seamless experience. Part of this will be a learning experience for us, too. We will have to modify and make changes as we go, but thankfully, CrossFit teaches us to do that well. 

Below is a tentative outline of what our reopening will look like starting Wednesday, June 17. We will open with a modified schedule with capped classes and no open gym, but these limitations are only temporary. 

In order to facilitate a successful reopening, we kindly ask that you return all borrowed equipment to the gym by Sunday 6/14.

Class Sign-Ups:

  • Upon reopening, we will be capping classes at 8 members per class. 

  • In order to register for any classes you must have an active account.

  • Members will sign up for classes in advance using the Push Press app…class sign-ups will be open 5 days in advance

    • This Friday we will open up registration for next Wednesday to Sunday.

  • Since capacity is limited we ask that you please be considerate of your fellow members and do not sign up for 7 classes a week

  • If you are able, please vary the times you attend class.…when selecting the class you can scroll down to see the current capacity

  • You can cancel your class reservation up to 6 hours prior to the class or find someone to fill your spot…any ‘no shows’ will be charged a $15 penalty.

Class Schedule:

Class Protocol:

  • Please enter and exit through designated doors

  • If you want to chat with other members after class, please do so in the parking lot

  • Please do not arrive to class earlier than 10 minutes before class starts, and do not stay longer than five minutes after class ends

  • Please abide by social distancing rules and give people space. Even if you are not uncomfortable being close to another person, please respect that others might not be. 

  • There will be no check-ins on the iPads. Coaches will check-in members as they arrive. 

  • When you arrive, we ask that you find a spot on the floor grid and keep your personal belongings with you in that space. There will be marked spots in both the main gym and in the annex. 

  • The gym has always been a place for people to come together and to workout…we realize that people feel passionately about many political and other societal issues and would ask that those conversations be kept outside the gym.