Thursday - 6/1/7

As we move forward into June we have a new monthly challenge which is a bit of a twist (or hold) on our February challenge. Yes that's right we're going back to the Air Squat...however instead of challenging people to increase the repetitions each day this month's challenge is to spend (or accumulate) a total of 10 minutes sitting in the bottom of the squat each day. This is a position that was fundamental to our development as a species and is too often neglected. This is something that can be done while your watching TV (get off the couch!), catching up on Facebook, browsing the internet, or getting dressed....ok maybe not the last one. You can read the full challenge write-up in on our Monthly Challenge Series page.

Also next Friday (June 9th) is the 3rd Annual Flander's Nature Center - Field & Forest 5k. I'm proud to say that the gym has been a race sponsor for the past 2 years and this year is no exception. The title of this race as a Field & Forest 5k very aptly describes the course....fields and forest, and also a barn. This is truly a unique run / race / hike and it's become something that I personally look forward to each year. The race is actually an evening run that starts at 6:00pm and ends with a few food trucks, live music, and celebratory beverages. Registration is still open for anyone that would like to participate.


For Time:

  • 800m Run
    • 10 Toes to Bar
    • 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
  • 600m Run
    • 10 Toes to Bar
    • 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
  • 400m Run
    • 10 Toes to Bar
    • 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
  • 200m Run
    • 10 Toes to Bar
    • 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
Jay finishing up his barbell complex.

Jay finishing up his barbell complex.

Kelly floating through her double unders.

Kelly floating through her double unders.

The 6pm class starting their 28-21-15-9.

The 6pm class starting their 28-21-15-9.

