Thursday 8/17/17


8 Minute EMOM

  • 2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean
    • Same Weight
    • Power Clean & Squat Clean = Touch & Go

For Time

  • 600m Run - 21 Hang Power Cleans
  • 400m Run - 15 Power Cleans Cleans
  • 200m Run - 9 Squat Cleans
    • Rx1 = 135 / 95 lbs
    • Rx2 = 155 / 105 lbs
    • Rx3 = 185 / 125 lbs
Karin working on her overhead lunges and Mr. Finley working on his escape.

Karin working on her overhead lunges and Mr. Finley working on his escape.

Kristie, Courtney, and Brian M. enjoying the new toys.

Kristie, Courtney, and Brian M. enjoying the new toys.

Brian G. not letting a few handstand push-ups slow him down.

Brian G. not letting a few handstand push-ups slow him down.

