Tuesday - 6/14/16

Workout of the Day

For Time

  • 800m Run
  • 40 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • 20 Power Cleans (115/75 lbs)
  • 10 Ring Dips
  • 400m Run
  • 40 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • 20 Power Cleans (115/75 lbs)
  • 10 Ring Dips
  • 800m Run
    • Rx1 = 95/65 lbs
    • Rx3 = 135/95 lbs

Jay showing some solid depth in his back squats.

Susie looking focused through her squats.

Dave fighting through his first few sets.

The 4pm class starting their 8 Minute Ladder.

