Friday 12/1/17

Congratulation to Doc, Jen, Lou, Sydney and Tammy on finishing November's challenge! We had a lot of people come out hot early on this (self included) and loose momentum throughout the month. 

What we have been using as a challenge whiteboard is going to be getting relocated / upgraded for December's challenge and it should be up by Sunday. 

As a little bit of Holiday damage control this Month's challenge (Monthly Challenge Series) will be what Mikey would call a "core blaster". We have 4 movements on the board - Sit-ups, Planks, Toes to Bar, and L-Sits. The challenge is to score as many total reps (or seconds) across the board in each category. Any reps done during a workout do not count towards challenge. Reps done at home or away from the gym are fair game.


Push Press

  • 3-3-3-3-3

For Time

  • 50-40-30-20-10
  • 25-20-15-10-5
    • Double Unders
    • Toes to Bar
Sharon showing a great catch position on the power snatch.

Sharon showing a great catch position on the power snatch.

The 4pm class making sure to get chest to deck with their burpees.

The 4pm class making sure to get chest to deck with their burpees.

Kevin and the 5pm class at the start of today's workout.

Kevin and the 5pm class at the start of today's workout.

