Friday 9/1/17

With the summer sadly coming to an end we're putting August behind us and moving on to September. We have updated our Monthly Challenge Series and this month we’re going to be preparing for that long winter ahead of us. We're challenging people by asking a simple question - how far can you row in a month? Before workouts, after workouts, during open’s all fair game except for any rowing that is completed as part of our daily class workouts.

To make this challenge a bit more interesting...and because I genuinely want to know how far everyone can row in a month, we will be setting up a leader board to keep track of everyone's progress through the month. There are a few rules:

  • Any rowing done during a class workout does not count, it can be either before class, after class, or during open gym.
  • Rowing done as part of a workout during open gym is allowed to count as long as it is not making up a workout from a class.
  • There will be a leader board for this challenge and athletes will be responsible for updating their overall tally throughout the month.
  • This challenge is scored by the honor system.
  • Rowing does not need to be done at Strongtown.
  • There will be a prize for the top male & female rowers.


Back Squat

  • 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
    • Increasing weight at each set
    • Start set of 10 at 50%, you should be at 75% by the set of 5
    • After each set complete 7 - 10 V-Ups
The 4pm class attacking their strict ring dips.

The 4pm class attacking their strict ring dips.

The one and only Liz Carlos visiting home for the holiday!

The one and only Liz Carlos visiting home for the holiday!

Pat loves his handstand push-ups

Pat loves his handstand push-ups

