Monday - 11/14/16


Front Squat

  • 5 x 3 @ 85% of 1 Rep Max

For Time

  • 1,000m Row
  • 100m Walking Lunge (30' x 11)
Thank you to everyone who came out to Garrett's final workout before he heads off to the USMC.

Thank you to everyone who came out to Garrett's final workout before he heads off to the USMC.

As if he needed an excuse to wear stars & stripes, War taking on DT.

As if he needed an excuse to wear stars & stripes, War taking on DT.

Rachel  & Scotty during their post workout cool down.

Rachel  & Scotty during their post workout cool down.

Kevan & Garrett during their strict burpee pull-ups

Kevan & Garrett during their strict burpee pull-ups

Rob & MaryBeth looking strong on their back squats.

Rob & MaryBeth looking strong on their back squats.

Raff heading in from his 400m night run.

Raff heading in from his 400m night run.

Becky looking strong on her power snatch.

Becky looking strong on her power snatch.

Ink and Sunday's 10am class during their 600m run.

Ink and Sunday's 10am class during their 600m run.

Rachie flying through her 15 box jumps.

Rachie flying through her 15 box jumps.





