Thursday - 1/17/19


Every Minute on the Minute - 8:00 x 2

  • X# Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

  • X# Pull-ups

4 Minutes rest and the Repeat

Score 1 (E1) - Lowest Maintained # Thrusters
Score 2 (E1) - Lowest Maintained # Pull-ups

Score 3 (E2) - Lowest Maintained # Thrusters
Score 4 (E2) - Lowest Maintained # Pull-ups

*Athletes choice on number of reps to complete each minute (each movement score separately, reps do not need to to be the same for each movement)

X# = Lowest Maintained Number of reps

All male class for the noon hour today.

All male class for the noon hour today.

Glasser working up to his 3 rep max for the day.

Glasser working up to his 3 rep max for the day.

Mairead staying focused during the dumbbell burpee deadlift step-up.

Mairead staying focused during the dumbbell burpee deadlift step-up.

