Thursday - 2/28/19

Thursday’s 7:00pm Open Gym and Academy
Classes are canceled for the evening.

Workout of the Day

Gymnastic Goat Day
20 Minute EMOM

• Even Minutes - Goat 1
• Odd Minutes - Goat 2

‘Goat’ should be a gymnastic movement that needs some help. Reps should range anywhere from 3-5 per minute depending on the movement.

Example: Pull-ups (strict, Kipping, Butterfly), Handstand Push-ups (Strict, Kipping), Double Unders, Box Jumps

Gymnastic Movements to Choose From: Push-ups, Pull-ups, Ring Dips, Handstands, Handstand Push-ups, Kipping / Strict, Handstand Walking, Planks, Hollow Rocks / Holds, Cartwheels, Forward rolls, Pistol Squats, L-Sits, Toes to Bar, Knees to Elbows, Box Jumps, Double-Unders

Happy Birthday, Danielle!!

Happy Birthday, Danielle!!

Ryan’s thoughts on today’s workout.

Ryan’s thoughts on today’s workout.

Jordan staying focused during her 3 second hold at the bottom.

Jordan staying focused during her 3 second hold at the bottom.

