Thursday - 8/25/16

Quick reminder that this Friday night the Rafferty family has generously offered to host an end of the summer pool party / get together! Parents if you have kids they're more then welcome. The event starts at 6:00pm and if anyone needs their address please let me know. It's looking like Friday is going to be a hot one so anyone who does the 5:30 class is more then welcome to head over afterwards and make your way to the pool. The event is BYOB and if anyone would like to bring a small dish they're more then welcome to...the usual burgers and dogs will be provided. 


Split Jerk

  • 2-2-2-2-2

Long Tabata - 20 Rounds (total) of 20" work & 10" rest, alternating between movements

  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups
    • Alternate Between Movements
    • Score = Total Reps

GereLu and Bernie during their 10 calorie row.

Paula getting her toes to the bar!

Tammy looking strong on her squats.

Stephen getting deep in the bottom.

