Friday - 8/26/16

I've recently updated the Events section of our webpage. There are a couple of events coming up in September that I would love to get the gym involved in. First up is September 19th, Catalyst Health & Fitness is putting on their 1st adventure / mud / hill / obstacle 5k Race at the Woodbury Ski & Racket. Early bird registration ends on August 31st and if your register before then you can save yourself $20. You can view the event info through the following link: Catalyst Viking Run Obstacle Challenge

Next up is Saturday September 24th...our friends from CrossFit Hook'd are teaming up with Two Roads Brewing for their 2nd Annual Hook'd to Hops team competition / fundraiser. This is a co-ed team of 4 competition and we would love to have a crew from Strongtown to represent.


Barbell Complex

  • 1 Squat Clean & 1 Hang Squat Clean
  • 4 x 2 @ 85% of 1RM Complex from last week

Time Trial

  • Run 1 Mile

Tracey getting set for her jerk.

The 9;30 class working through their push-ups

Rob locking out his split jerk. 

The 4pm class starting their sit-ups.

