Barbell Complex — Blog & WOD — Strongtown


Barbell Complex

1/31/22 - 2/4/22

1/31/22 - 2/4/22

Monday - 1/31/22 to Friday - 2/4/22

Monday: 6 Rounds for Time
Tuesday: Tempo Back Squats + 9 Minute AMRAP
Wednesday: 2 Minute Stations
Thursday: 6 Rounds - Not for Time
Friday: Barbell Complex + 3 Minute AMRAP’s

Wednesday - 2/8/17

Wednesday - 2/8/17

Shoulder to Overhead Complex
   2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk + 2 Split Jerk
   Work to a max complex

4 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute
   Shoulder to Overhead (115/75 lbs)
   Rest 30 Seconds
   Dumbbell Suitcase Lunge (45/30 lbs) (Each Arm)
   Rest 30 Seconds
      Each Round Scored by Total Reps - 4 Scores