Tuesday - 5/23/17

We have a couple of quick announcements today. First up is that this Saturday is our Shoulder Strong: Mobility + Recovery Clinic. Mobility, recovery and having a bit more knowledge about about our shoulders on how they work never hurt anyone. We'll be opening our doors and welcoming Thu Maria of Maximum Mobility CT who will be leading a 2 hour clinic this Saturday from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Registration is open to both members and non-members. 

Also next Monday is Memorial Day and like last year we will be celebrating the holiday by honoring Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy and performing "Murph." We will be running a modified schedule for the day and there will be only be two classes at 6:30am and 9:30am. 


4 Rounds

  • 250m Row
  • 15 Goblet Squats (24/16 kg)
  • 200m Run
    • Score = Total Time

Barbell Complex

  • 2 Power Cleans
  • 1 Hang Power Clean
  • 1 Jerk
    • Work to a Max Complex
Paul proudly representing the 8am class.

Paul proudly representing the 8am class.

Nadine showing some very impressive form on her squats.

Nadine showing some very impressive form on her squats.

Brian looking solid at the bottom of his overhead squat.

Brian looking solid at the bottom of his overhead squat.

