Friday - 10/6/16


Every Minute on the Minute - 8 Minutes

  • 2 Power Cleans
  • 2 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 2 Barbell Lunges (1 Each Leg)
    • No Rx Weight
    • Same weight - there is an option to increase the weight after the 4th Round
    • Score = Weights Used

8 Minute AMRAP

  • 5 Lateral Bar Burpees
  • 5 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 10 Barbell Lunges (Front Rack)
    • Rx3 = 145/100 lbs
    • Rx2 = 115/75 lbs
    • Rx1 = 95/65 lbs
Welcome Bob to Strongtown!

Welcome Bob to Strongtown!

Becky loves overhead squats.

Becky loves overhead squats.

The Maeve killing her single arm overhead squats.

The Maeve killing her single arm overhead squats.

Jimmy and the 6pm class during their box-jump overs.

Jimmy and the 6pm class during their box-jump overs.

