Friday 10/6/17


4 Rounds of 4:00 - For Total Reps at Each Station
2 Minutes Rest after Each Station

  • Round 1) 200m Run + Max Bench Press (135/95 lbs)
  • Round 2) 200m Run + Max Slam Ball (30/20 lbs)
  • Round 3) 200m Run + Max Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • Round 4) 200m Run + Max Goblet Squat (32/24 kg)
    • Score = Total Reps at Each Station (4 Scores)
Welcome Sara to the Strongtown and the 6am crew!

Welcome Sara to the Strongtown and the 6am crew!

Bill making sure he makes contact at the top of the rope climb.

Bill making sure he makes contact at the top of the rope climb.

Stacy getting below the kettlebell in her clean and jerk.

Stacy getting below the kettlebell in her clean and jerk.

