Friday - 12/14/18


“The G”
20 Minute AMRAP:

  • 5 Pull-ups

  • 10 Push-ups

  • 15 Squats

  • 5 Pull-ups

  • 10 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)

    • Score = Total Rounds & Reps

*Garrett’s non-special pre deployment workout. We will be hanging around after the 5:30pm class for a ‘not a party’ that is definitely not for Garrett.

It’s great to see Rosemary back at the 6am!

It’s great to see Rosemary back at the 6am!

Babington and the part of the 9:30am class at the start of today’s metcon.

Babington and the part of the 9:30am class at the start of today’s metcon.

Congrats to Chris on finishing 7th place in his age ground in the Spartan Ultra World Championship!

Congrats to Chris on finishing 7th place in his age ground in the Spartan Ultra World Championship!

