Friday - 7/14/17

It's wedding season....

Congratulations to Timmy (sorry it's late) who just recently got back from tying the knot in the Dominican Jordan & Scotty who are currently in Antigua and preparing for their wedding, and last but not least to Mikey and Kelly who are just about 1 week away from their big day! So many weddings.

While all these weddings are super exciting, Mikey is kind of a big deal at the Strongtown. Maybe you've heard of him before - he may have 'no repped' your wall-ball, told you your squat wasn't deep enough, or your arms weren't locked out, he may even have made you do some obscene number of burpees for getting stuck behind a school bus...basically he's a living legend.

Since they were not able to invite everyone from Strongtown to their big day we have decided to turn this upcoming Saturday's workout into Mikey & Kelly's Wedding Workout, which obviously everyone is invited to. We will be running a normal class schedule for the day (9:00 & 10:00) and I'm excited to say that our friend Viv from Everyday LIfters will be joining us for the day to document the festivities.


Rear Neck Split Jerk

  • 1-1-1-1-1

Complete However Possible - For Time

  • 100 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
  • 100 Sit-ups
  • 100 Calorie Row
    • Split into however many reps / rounds as needed....10 rounds of 10s, 5 rounds of 20s, 2 rounds of 50s, buy-in / cash-out, etc....
Susie and Jon getting some family wall ball time.

Susie and Jon getting some family wall ball time.

Welcome Mike to Strongtown!

Welcome Mike to Strongtown!

Jess looking strong on her power cleans.

Jess looking strong on her power cleans.

