Friday - 8/11/17


Death By Wall Ball

  • Minute 1 = 1 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • Minute 2 = 2 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • Minute 3 = 3 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • Etc.... until the number of Wall Ball can not be completed in the given minute
    • Score = Last Finished Minute + Reps If you completed the round of 14 and got 12 of the round of 15 your score would be 14 + 12
    • Compare to 6/9/2015

Time Trial

  • Bike 50 Calories
Jimmy, Jeff (welcome!), and the 9:30 class heading out for their mile.

Jimmy, Jeff (welcome!), and the 9:30 class heading out for their mile.

Tess showing a good finish on her deadlifts.

Tess showing a good finish on her deadlifts.

Tommy bending bars.

Tommy bending bars.

