Monday - 11/7/16

This upcoming Friday is Veterans Day and in typical CrossFit fashion we will be doing a Hero workout of some sort for the day. It is also the last Friday that Garrett Taggart will be around before heading off to bootcamp and becoming a Marine. Garrett hates instead of celebrating we're going to be turning next Friday's 5:30 class into a 2nd Hero workout and we'll be offering a recovery session of pizzas, some light conversation and maybe a couple of beers. Definitely not a celebration or party of any sort. Also, everyone is welcome to join us in this non-celebration workout & recovery gathering.


Weighted Pull-ups

  • 5 x 1 
  • 5 Sets, 1 Rep - Same Weight

Every Minute on the Minute
12 Minutes - Alternate Between Movements

  • 5 Strict Pull-ups
  • 1 Power Clean + 3 Strict Press
  • Max Sit-ups
    • Score = Rounds completed, weight used on press, and total sit-ups
Lou and Friday's noon class flying through their double-unders.

Lou and Friday's noon class flying through their double-unders.

Angel looking solid on her squats.

Angel looking solid on her squats.

Friday's 5:30 class starting their 30 Wall-Ball shots.

Friday's 5:30 class starting their 30 Wall-Ball shots.

Babington with a spin move around the 200m cone.

Babington with a spin move around the 200m cone.

The bars & boxes waiting for the 9am class to finish their 400m run.

The bars & boxes waiting for the 9am class to finish their 400m run.

Kelly finishing up her final burpee box jumps.

Kelly finishing up her final burpee box jumps.

Saturday's 10am waiting for the 10 second count down.

Saturday's 10am waiting for the 10 second count down.





