Tuesday - 11/8/16

Member Spotlight
Contributed by Rachie, Lu, and Linda 

This month, we are recognizing a very special member of CrossFit Strongtown.

Sweet. Determined. Welcoming. Coachable. Hardworking. Driven. Inspiring.

We asked people to describe her, and those were a few words that were used.

She was born and raised in Woodbury, and she joined our CrossFit family in August 2012. She decided to give CrossFit a try when she realized she hated running (while simultaneously training for triathlons). That first day, the workout was “Karen” - 150 wallball for time. She watched and remembers Barry specifically (he was probably sitting between sets of 10). We do not understand why, but after watching that work out, she decided to give CrossFit a try. Since that day, she has always walked into the gym with a smile on her face, never voicing a complaint… unlike the rest of us.

Mike Rafferty once described doing a partner workout with her in one simple sentence: “She kicked my ass.”

Rachel McGovern is our first spotlight member because she represents the athlete we all try to be. Always striving to be better, never giving up, and constantly working her weaknesses.  

As we type this, she is at Open Gym working on mobility, and getting ready to do a second workout today (and we are eating leftover cookies from the Halloween party). She chose to do one of the hardest workouts that we have done in weeks because she missed it last Saturday.

Her proudest CrossFit achievement so far (because, let’s face it, there will be plenty more) has been two strict pull ups in a row. She is working on her handstand push ups.

By next year, she hopes to take part in a CrossFit competition.

She loves the variety of CrossFit and the Strongtown community. This is why she tries to get the whole family involved. She has two children: Emma, 20, and Zach, 18. Every once in awhile you will see them around the gym when they are home from college. When she is not at Strongtown, she is at work for Bristol Myers Clinical Research. Her favorite teams are the Red Sox, Bruins, and the Saints (because her husband worked in NOLA).

She hates thrusters, or the classic thruster/lateral bar burpee combination. She would prefer to do chippers or a long list of movements.

We can speak for all coaches when we say that Rachel will always follow our cues and take our recommendations. Even if it’s her best movement: deadlifts, or her favorite: back squats, she always listens carefully to the coaches about her form and load choices.

She says she loves all of the coaches, and we love her right back.

She is an inspiration to our community, and basically the only person that still participates in the Lurong Challenges.

Thank you, Rachel, for always working your hardest. Even when you don’t realize it, we notice your determination and appreciate it.


Front Squat

  • 6 x 2 @ 80% of 1RM
  • Rest approximately 2 minutes between sets

7 Minute Ladder

  • +1 Hang Squat Clean (135/95 lbs)
  • +1 Lateral Bar Burpee
    • Rx1 = 115/75 lbs
    • Rx3 = 155/105 lbs
  • Score = Total Reps
    • 1/1  = 2
    • 2/2 = 6
    • 3/3 = 15
    • 4/4 = 23
    • 5/5 = 33
    • 6/6 = 45
    • 7/7 = 59
    • 8/8 = 75
    • 9/9 = 93
    • 10/10 = 113
    • 11/11 = 135
    • 12/12 = 159
    • 13/13 = 185
    • 14/14 = 213
    • 15/15 = 243
    • 16/16 = 275
    • 17/17 = 309
Thank you Rachel!

Thank you Rachel!

Stephen looking strong on his pull-ups.

Stephen looking strong on his pull-ups.

The 5pm class starting their EMOM.

The 5pm class starting their EMOM.

Pat and the 6pm class during their power clean & press complex.

Pat and the 6pm class during their power clean & press complex.

