Monday - 3/13/17

The Week 2 Challenge Bonus points have been tallied up and awarded to all the teams. We will be selecting the top photos and putting it to a vote to determine the winner of the most creative photo. The Week 3 Challenge has been posted on the Strongtown Open page and this week's challenge is all about the squat...any squat is fair game and what we're looking for is the bottom position. You can see all the challenge details on our Open Page and the deadline is the announcement of 17.4


Back Squat

  • 10-8-6-4-2
  • Increase weight between each set

9 Minute Ladder

  • Starting at 6
    • +3 Thrusters 
    • +3 Box Jumps / Step-ups (24/20")
  • Round 1 = 6 Thrusters + 6 Box Jumps
  • Round 2 = 9 Thrusters + 9 Box Jumps
  • Round 3 = 12 Thrusters + 12 Box Jumps
  • Etc... increasing by 3 each round
Liam, Brad and Toon taking on 17.3 after the Thursday night announcement.

Liam, Brad and Toon taking on 17.3 after the Thursday night announcement.

Jordan chipping her way through the 135# snatches.

Jordan chipping her way through the 135# snatches.

Joe snatching - Aisling super enthusatic about her father's performance.

Joe snatching - Aisling super enthusatic about her father's performance.

Multiple photographers documented that Matty was this close to getting his lift.

Multiple photographers documented that Matty was this close to getting his lift.

Rachel looking strong on her chest to bar!

Rachel looking strong on her chest to bar!

Aisling fighting through her final reps while taking 17.3 for round 2.

Aisling fighting through her final reps while taking 17.3 for round 2.

Mikey wanted to know why his chest / ribs were sore idea bro.

Mikey wanted to know why his chest / ribs were sore idea bro.

Just like riding a bike...but with a barbell.

Just like riding a bike...but with a barbell.

Sunday's Final heat starting 17.3

Sunday's Final heat starting 17.3

Barry and Mathew judging bro reps were given.

Barry and Mathew judging bro reps were given.



