Monday - 3/18/19


Clean & Jerk

  • 3-3-3-1-1-1-1

  • Full squat clean

“Tabata” Alternating Movements
16 Rounds Total - 20” Work & 10” Rest

  • Dumbbell Thruster (35/20 lbs)

  • Double-Unders

    • Score = Total Reps

    • Rx1 = (25/10 lbs)

    • Rx3 = (45/30 lbs)

Glasser & Shady…forever upping their Judging game.

Glasser & Shady…forever upping their Judging game.

Illegal reps are not taken lightly at Strongtown.

Illegal reps are not taken lightly at Strongtown.

Scott working through his bar facing burpees.

Scott working through his bar facing burpees.

Mikey can be sooo judgemental these days.

Mikey can be sooo judgemental these days.