Monday - 5/15/17

Happy Mother's Day, or belated Mother's Day since this technically Monday's blog post, to all of our Strongtown Mothers. Today's workout is dedicated to Momma Gallagher aka GereLu, we can honestly say the gym would not be here without her. Being our most Masters athlete in the gym she enjoys the finer things in life such as back squat and deadlifts which is why today's workout has been aptly titled GereLu's Power Hour. Today's blog photos are just a few of the very strong Mothers who we are lucky enough to have as part of our gym family.


GereLu's Power Hour

  • Back Squat
    • 5-5-5-5-5
  • Deadlift
    • 3-3-3-3-3
Laura showing great elbows through her barbell lunges.

Laura showing great elbows through her barbell lunges.

Kristin floating through her double unders.

Kristin floating through her double unders.

Coach Becky 

Coach Becky 

Karen going with a split jerk during Saturday's AMRAPs.

Karen going with a split jerk during Saturday's AMRAPs.

Suzy Q and Sunday's 10am midway through their Hap EMOM Day.

Suzy Q and Sunday's 10am midway through their Hap EMOM Day.

Stacy at the bottom of her dumbbell overhead squats.

Stacy at the bottom of her dumbbell overhead squats.





5/14/17 - Happy Mother's Day

5/14/17 - Happy Mother's Day