Thursday - 3/16/17

Congratulations to Tommy and Lulu's Lemon's on winning the most creative handstand photo for the 17.2 Weekly Challenge! Based on the votes submitted the 'bathroom' photo won the polls taking home a majority vote of 68.4%.

Don't forget that the 17.3 Bonus points are still available and the deadline for the Week 3 Challenge is the announcement of 17.4....Thursday night by 8:00pm.


Split Jerk

  • 2-2-2-2-2

For Time

  • Shoulder to Overhead (95/65 lbs)
  • 3 Rope Climbs
The 9:30 class starting their 18 minutes.

The 9:30 class starting their 18 minutes.

Lex going old school and breaking out the Chuck Taylors.

Lex going old school and breaking out the Chuck Taylors.

John keeping good form on his double unders.

John keeping good form on his double unders.

Rachel showing a strong kip on her toes to bar.

Rachel showing a strong kip on her toes to bar.

