Friday - 3/17/17

As this is being written 17.4 is about to get announced and the weekly challenge bonus points for 17.3 are coming to a close. Like last week we will be selecting the top photos (or videos) and putting it to a vote to determine the winner of the extra bonus points and most creative post. The 17.4 Weekly Challenge has been to our Strongtown Open Page - Week 4: Son of a Burpee

The 17.4 Weekly Challenge involves the one movement that is equally hated worldwide by all cultures - The Burpee. It's true...if Burpees were a person they would have 0 friends, not even Wilson (Tom Hank's BFF volleyball from Castaway). We're going away from photos this week and this will be a video challenge, and since this is technically the 7th year of the CrossFit Open - 7 will be the magic number.



Barbell Lunge

  • 2-2-2-2-2
  • 2 = 2 Per Leg (4 Per Set)

3 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute

  • Row Calories
  • Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • Burpees
    • 30 Seconds rest between each movement
    • Score = Total Reps per Round (3 Scores)
Rosemary and the 6am class starting their 21-15-9

Rosemary and the 6am class starting their 21-15-9

The 4pm class looking confident on the ropes.

The 4pm class looking confident on the ropes.

Sophia getting low in her split jerk!

Sophia getting low in her split jerk!