Tuesday - 2/26/19

Quick schedule announcement - there will be no open gym or Academy class this Thursday night. The last class of the day will be 6:00pm.

Workout of the Day

Strongman Stations
3 Minutes at Each Station - For Max Reps

   • Bench Press (115/75 lbs)
   • 30' Farmer Carry (90/50 lbs - each Handle) 
   • 30' Yoke Walk (180/100 lbs) 
   • 30' Sled Push (100/80 lbs) 
3 Minutes Rest between Stations 
Score = Total Reps at Each Station (4 scores)

Bob warming up for his 7 rep max.

Bob warming up for his 7 rep max.

Chris and Lou working through their level method upper/lower endurance test.

Chris and Lou working through their level method upper/lower endurance test.

The 4pm class.

The 4pm class.

