Wednesday - 2/1/17: Strongtown Open

The 2017 CrossFit Open is starting in just about 4 weeks. For those who have been with us for a year or more you are probably very (painfully) aware of what the Open is. For everyone else...the Open is an online competition that the entire CrossFit community, not just our gym, participates in once a year. Overall the competition is 5 weeks with 1 workout being announced each week (Thursday 8:00pm). For the super elite CrossFitters the Open is the first step towards qualifying for the CrossFit Games...for the rest of us mortals it's a chance to see where we stack up. The workouts are no different then anything else we do during a normal week...the only difference is accountability. As opposed to scoring ourselves on the workout, during the Open everyone gets a Judge to count their reps and make sure their meeting the movement standards. 

This year we're going to be treating the Open similar to how we ran things way back when in 2015. Back then we called it the Intra-Gym Open...or Intramural Open...the gym was divided into 4 teams and each team was scored based on participation in each workout. Instead of calling the the Intra-Gym / Intramural we're going to be simplifying things and just calling it the Strongtown Open

How it works - everyone who signs up through the will be entered into an overall pool of people. During the week of February 13th anyone in the pool will either be randomly selected or go through a mock-draft to create the Team Rosters. During the course of the Open each team will be scored based on the following system:

  • 1 Point for every person who completes the workout (rx / scaled does not matter)
  • 1 Point for every person who logs their score through 
  • 3 Points if 50% of the Team completes the workout on Saturday
  • 5 Points if 90% of the Team completes the workout
  • 10 Points if 100% of the Team completes the workout

In addition to the points above teams will also be able to earn extra points with:

  • Guess the Open Pool: this is both a game of chance and skill...we'll get a chart setup in the gym for people to fill out which will be self explanatory, every participant gets 1 vote and can win bonus points based on guessing which week will be repeated as well as guessing which workout will be repeated.
  • Weekly Challenges: Each week there will be a weekly challenge for all the Teams to complete, if your team completes the challenge they will be awarded the points and the points will vary based on the challenge.

The purpose of this challenge is to have fun as a gym - it's about participation and I truly believe that whether you're a Veteran CrossFitter or just starting to learn the ropes that you can do the Open. 

We'll be getting more information posted about class schedule within the next couple days. For now you should sign-up through and select CrossFit Strongtown as your gym if you're interested in participating.


Time Trial

  • 100 Calorie Row (compare to 8/14/15)

10 Minute AMRAP

  • 8 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • 6 Dumbbell Snatch + 8 Dumbbell Overhead Lunges (Right Arm)
  • 6 Dumbbell Snatch + 8 Dumbbell Overhead Lunges (Left Arm)
    • Athlete can choose whichever arm they prefer to start with
    • Rx1 = 30/20 lbs
    • Rx2 = 40/30 lbs
    • Rx3 = 40/30 lbs
Welcome back Mr. White!

Welcome back Mr. White!

Cortney, Holly, and Lindsey looking strong on their thrusters.

Cortney, Holly, and Lindsey looking strong on their thrusters.

Rob and the 4pm during their lateral bar burpees.

Rob and the 4pm during their lateral bar burpees.

