Wednesday - 3/13/19

Workout of the Day

Gymnastic Goat Day
20 Minute EMOM

• Even Minutes - Goat 1
• Odd Minutes - Goat 2

‘Goat’ should be a gymnastic movement that needs some help. Reps should range anywhere from 3-5 per minute depending on the movement.

Example: Pull-ups (strict, Kipping, Butterfly), Handstand Push-ups (Strict, Kipping), Double Unders, Box Jumps

Gymnastic Movements to Choose From: Push-ups, Pull-ups, Ring Dips, Handstands, Handstand Push-ups, Kipping / Strict, Handstand Walking, Planks, Hollow Rocks / Holds, Cartwheels, Forward rolls, Pistol Squats, L-Sits, Toes to Bar, Knees to Elbows, Box Jumps, Double-Unders

Kosky showing a nice arch position on her kipping pull-ups.

Kosky showing a nice arch position on her kipping pull-ups.

Bike Mike grinding through his first 300 meters.

Bike Mike grinding through his first 300 meters.

Krista showing great depth on her back squats.

Krista showing great depth on her back squats.

