Thursday - 3/14/19


“Face Off” (courtesy of CFNE)
5 Rounds - Each for Time
Every 4:00 Minutes

  • 9 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)

  • 12 Bar Facing Burpees

  • 21/15 Cal Bike

    • Score = Each round for Time

    • Athletes can rest of round is completed within 4 minutes

Justin using a dumbbell to help focus on his balance at the bottom of his pistol squat.

Justin using a dumbbell to help focus on his balance at the bottom of his pistol squat.

Good to see Garrett back at Strongtown for a few days.

Good to see Garrett back at Strongtown for a few days.

Amanda working on keeping a solid hollow position during her push-ups.

Amanda working on keeping a solid hollow position during her push-ups.

