Wednesday 3/14/18


With a Running Clock

0-12 Minutes
   Establish a Max Effort Hang Snatch (full squat or power)
12-14 Minutes
   2 Minutes Rest
14-15 Minutes
   Max Box Jumps (24/20")
15-16 Minutes
   1 Minute Rest
16-17 Minutes
   Max Alternating Pistol Squats
17-18 Minutes
   1 Minute Rest
18-19 Minutes
   Max Handstand Push-ups
19-20 Minutes
   1 Minute Rest
20-21 Minutes
   Max Burpees

  • 5 Scores
    • Score 1 = Snatch Weight
    • Score 2 = Total Box Jumps
    • Score 3 = Total Pistol Squats
    • Score 4 = Total Handstand Push-ups
    • Score 5 = Total Burpees
The 4pm class working through their 90 hand-release push-ups.

The 4pm class working through their 90 hand-release push-ups.

Dani during her overhead walking dumbbell lunge.

Dani during her overhead walking dumbbell lunge.

The 6pm class at the start of today's workout.

The 6pm class at the start of today's workout.

