Friday - 7/22/16


Deck of Cards - Battle of the Classes

  • Card Number = Number of repetitions
  • Card Suit = Movement
    • Clubs = Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
    • Diamonds = Lunges
    • Hearts = Burpees
    • Spades = Sit-ups
    • Jokers = 200m Run
  • Face cards are 10
  • Aces = 1
  • Jokers = 200m Run
  • No 10s
  • Workout is scored as a class
  • Coach is the dealer and turns cards over one at a time. Once the entire class finishes a card it is done and they move onto the next card. 

Rachel and Big Mike locking out their jerks.

Liam looking strong overhead!

Kevan looking solid on his squats.

Thanks for dropping in Raquel!
