Friday - 5/20/16

Thank you to everyone who has donated towards this Saturday’s Avapalooza. I received an email from Avalanna’s mother Aileen the other day thanking us for our efforts. They were recently featured by a Boston News Station: Family honors brave little girl who touched lives around the world and I’m glad we can be a part this year’s event.

In honor of Avalanna we will be performing the hero working “Jerry” this Saturday. Jerry is a 1 mile run, followed by a 2k row, and finishing with another 1 mile run. Depending on the size of class we may have to run heats. We do have a fundraising page setup for the gym: CrossFit Strongtown – Avapalooza 2016 for anyone who’s willing to make an online donation and we will have a jar (donation tray of some sort) out for this weekend as well.

Workout of the Day

Barbell WOD: "Rise & Grind" - Day 3 Sampler

  • Clean
    • 5 x 1 @ 90%
  • Push Jerk
    • 4 x 2 @ 5-10# Heavier then last week
  • Core / Complex
    • Day #1: 2 Sets of 15 Hanging Leg Raises, 10 GHD Sit-ups, 30" GHD Superman Hold
    • Day #3: 2 Sets of 10 Single Arm DB Row (each arm), 10 DB Push Press

The 9:30 class starting their 3 rounds.

Holly at the top of her climb.

The 6pm class starting their for time, time trials.

Jimmy looking solid on his snatches.
