Friday - 6/10/16

So this is really the last reminder that tonight's 5:00pm Open Gym and 5:30pm Class are canceled for the evening. We'll be making our way over to Woodbury in order to participate in the Flander's Nature Center - Field & Forest 5k. The Race starts at 6:00pm so if you're planning on participating please make sure that you arrive by 5:30. If you haven't signed up for the race yet don't can sign up at the event and I would suggest you try to arrive a little earlier. 

Also 8:00am this Saturday morning is the 1st Official Strongtown Swim WOD of 2016. I know it's early so dress in layers...the pool is always warm.

Workout of the Day

Bench Press

  • 4-4-4-4-4

12 Minute AMRAP

  • 200m Run
  • 12 Toes to Bar
  • 12 Box Jumps (24/20")
  • 12 Push-ups

6:00PM Start Time - Flander's Field & Forest 5k
Last minute registrations can sign-up at the Event

Big Mike getting deep with his accessory work.

Megan fighting her elbows up through her front squats.

Shady going wide on his snatches.

Rachie getting tall on her pull.

Rachie getting tall on her pull.

