Friday - 3/31/17

The 2017 Strongtown Open has come to an end - I will be tallying up the bonus points (there are a lot of them) this weekend and posting the results on Monday's blog. I apologize for the suspense.

In the mean time lets talk about the prize - in the theme of our annual Battle for the Bell, and to help solidify bragging rights for the next year, the winning team will be awarded our latest addition - the Spartan Bell. This thing has an extremely high ranking on the scale of awesomeness...easily an 11 out of 10. I will be giving this bad mofo a custom make over this weekend to bump it up to at least a 14, maybe even a 15 on the scale. As an honor for winning everyone on the winning team will get to tag their name on the bell and it will stay there for the next year.   



  • 10-8-6-4-2
  • Increase weight between each set

For Time

  • Deadlifts (same weight as set of 10 from strength portion)
  • Toes to Bar
  • Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
Todd and the 6am class starting their 12 Minute AMRAP.

Todd and the 6am class starting their 12 Minute AMRAP.

Jess getting chest to deck in burpees.

Jess getting chest to deck in burpees.

The Maeveinator destroying the overhead squats.

The Maeveinator destroying the overhead squats.

